Cape Horn route is not possible it is crossing land
Post by iconPost by LaRe-Belle | 2020-12-23 | 21:29:19

Cape Horn route is not possible the routing is crossing land just above the Cape Horn and it is important to adapt your map according to the VR Map.
Thank you a lot for everything


commenticon 5 Comments
Post by iconPost by jf44 | 2020-12-24 | 10:08:39
Probably you are to far from Cape Horn.
Cvetan has yet answered many times that the route will be correct when you'll be nearer.
Post by iconPost by Ormetkruper | 2020-12-24 | 10:48:55
I think Cvetan said once that the map projection is not the same beteween VR and Zezo. Just try to follow the route in VR as good as you can to avoid land. Always do that near land because zezo is best in open sea.
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-12-24 | 14:13:00
I did notice yesterday that the Zezo route did appear to want to go through an area that was solid land in the VR maps.

Regardless, it's best to just get a general idea from the router and manually fit something in that works around the land. Zezo uses a 10 minute time step in the short-term, where as you can do 1 minute changes in the game. Normally, in steady winds you would want to use waypoints for precision. However, as I went through the Cape yesterday, winds were varying 6 or 7 knots between inside gybes and outside gybes, each with different max VMG angles. That necessitated multiple programmation moves on each tack and constant monitoring and adjustment. I'm just happy it happened during the North American evening. I imagine the European leaders were up all night.
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2020-12-24 | 14:16:14
A precise land check is of course possible, theoretically, but
a) it is very expensive - the router has to check millions of points for each routing. Likely zezo made some simplifications (like using more coarse-grained coastlines) to make the router fast enough to serve thousands of users.
b) VR doesn't disclose which map data they're using. We know for sure their map differs from Google map. Some users figured it out and overlayed it on VR Dashboard. A screenshot surfaced on the VR forum a couple of month ago but it seems they don't want to make it available to all.
Post by iconPost by LaRe-Belle | 2020-12-25 | 00:47:41
Thank you for all your advices! Best wishes for Christmas.
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