Trying to Break the VR Map Mistery !
Post by iconPost by Ventura_317 | 2021-04-01 | 17:58:02

VR Players capable to get a copy of their own Screen(x,y,RGBPixel) with an associated file are numerous !.
We are thousands of players on Virtual Regatta with such capability : therefore we should be capable to scan any part of the VR world in a couple of days (thousands of files) !
However what WE beginners are NOT capable to do is to link these Maps ! Why ? Because we are not capable to get a common Reference!
My question #01 to Computer Engineers of this highly qualified Forum : how to manage (when lauching VR Game) to have all the same Starting Map ?

commenticon 2 Comments
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2021-04-02 | 00:59:05
It's pretty clear that the map used for land detection is not identical to the one displayed. We've all run aground with a pixel or two of blue between land and the boat.
Post by iconPost by Sunkist | 2021-04-02 | 10:52:16
Display / Bathymetry are identical as far as I could verify - it is just that the display is shifted. - I strongly assume gridpoint/gridbox problem, the one is displayed, the otherone used. - you ground on the one side in the blue - and on the other side you can sail through the land for a few pixel.

- I will pick a tiny tine rock on one of the coming races and take a snapshot of each side grounded ...

X---X---X---X +---+---+---+
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X---X---X---X vs. +---+---+---+
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X---X---X---X +---+---+---+
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