Post by iconPost by Thierry-R | 2022-04-01 | 11:45:35

no routing for that race?

commenticon 28 Comments
Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2022-04-01 | 13:44:59
Bonjour !
Post by iconPost by Thierry-R | 2022-04-01 | 14:21:54

Post by iconPost by Jeanbern19 | 2022-04-01 | 18:42:28
Bonjour ;-))

Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2022-04-02 | 22:29:43
I've been using the Jules Verne router to evaluate start times. I think the first reasonable (not great) window will open Monday morning, Europe time. Hopefully Cvetan will be able to open this event at Zezo by then.
Post by iconPost by Phoenix | 2022-04-03 | 04:56:25
Meanwhile you can use the predict times from the last year:
The "Start NOW" works with the actual time.
Best regards!

Post by iconPost by Velaska | 2022-04-03 | 14:14:36
Tuesday around 8PM CET seems to be interesting
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2022-04-03 | 16:52:22
Is this Ultim crewed or uncrewed?
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2022-04-03 | 16:59:52
It's Ultim Crew.
Post by iconPost by Jeanbern19 | 2022-04-03 | 17:51:50

Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2022-04-05 | 12:28:04
Polar Chart App updated with the missing races.
Post by iconPost by Jeanbern19 | 2022-04-05 | 13:24:36
Obviously not!!
still missing Los Angeles - Honolulu
the others are there but not this one !!?
thanks to you
Post by iconPost by Jeanbern19 | 2022-04-05 | 13:32:14
on Polar Chart it does appear the LA-Honolulu icon but it seems to be there: Sydney-Tahiti!!?
There is an error on this name as well as the gribs

Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2022-04-06 | 13:20:48
it does. Don't you see it ?

Post by iconPost by Jeanbern19 | 2022-04-07 | 04:47:13
Hello ,
Yes that I see it well, but it is then that this race does not correspond!! and above all it does not trigger.
There is still a relic of Sydney - Honolulu to boot!!
No it does not!!
just check we fall back by clicking on

By clicking on the race of the Dash the races appear well but it is not available !!?
The snowflake is missing

In fact, we're going on a loop!!

Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2022-04-07 | 06:21:46
Ah I'm starting to getting it.

You're confusing the different tools. (the router) is a separate tool from VRDashboard, which is also unrelated to my Polars Chart.

All these tools can communicate with each others, but are developed and maintained separatedly, by different owners.

I don't race myself anymore in VR, so I don't use zezo and VRDashboard anymore, but I'm sure Cvetan or Hardtack will tell soon if a real problem exists.
Post by iconPost by Jeanbern19 | 2022-04-07 | 08:28:47
Salvation ,
No I'm not confusing and I know it's distinct - but there is a mix of something!!
Ok you understood the problem so - if you could send them the info - that would be nice
Thanks to you

Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2022-04-07 | 08:30:28
I believe Cvetan reads his own forum, but he might be busy lately ;)
Let's wait and see.
Post by iconPost by Jeanbern19 | 2022-04-07 | 08:33:01
Post by iconPost by emilie | 2022-04-05 | 18:20:51
Goodnight all .
I am French and newly registered - I am on zezo like many -
and I was looking for why on the record Los Angeles Honolulu zezo does not fire like all the other races!!?
it is true , as pointed out previously .
I do not understand !!?
Thank you to your team for your work
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2022-04-05 | 18:39:28
For those new to Zezo... Cvetan maintains this site in his spare time. It isn't his primary job. When Virtual Regatta adds a lot of new races in a hurry, it requires time for him to add each. VR has added a lot of races lately. If Cvetan is on a family vacation or busy with work, he may simply not have enough time to keep up. I'm sure he'll add this eventually. Please be patient and remember that he's providing a free service.
Post by iconPost by emilie | 2022-04-05 | 19:07:12
Good evening,
Yes all this I suspect but it's not at all what I meant and I'm fully aware of it - but some races started long after this one. not even started yet!!
I know that Cvetan does a great job and I thank him for it
I also find it strange that no one ever says good evening or hello here and neither thank you!!
simple remark
Good evening Your Mom

Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2022-04-05 | 20:37:56
Post by iconPost by CaptSlow | 2022-04-08 | 18:10:37
Bon soir!
Post by iconPost by gavitellogolos0 | 2022-04-07 | 10:32:55
As correctly pointed out by YourMomSA, Cvetan is douing this for free and in his free-time.
But you can contribute :-)
Just click on the "donate" button on the upper right corner! :-)

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2022-04-07 | 12:08:30
I missed this one completely. And was taking a little spring break.

Added now.
Post by iconPost by Jeanbern19 | 2022-04-07 | 15:39:15
Hello thank you
Post by iconPost by emilie | 2022-04-08 | 04:27:22
Thank you Jeanbern19,
Glad you got that little issue fixed. and thanks to Cvetan for looking into it
Good race

Post by iconPost by Baker | 2022-04-26 | 13:32:04
ehi guys, if you agree with it please second motion this request
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