Post by iconPost by RaiderOfTheStorm | 2021-08-29 | 14:19:45

Today at the start of Figaro 2 I experienced:
1- initial position shift of about 1 mile West
2- Auto sail NOT executed for about 15'
3- Manual sail change from Jib to C0 ignored
4- suspected penalties charged for sail change attemps

I know this occurred to other friends, so there was a server failure that affected most of the boats, but not all.

Two questions:
1 Did you also experience this problem(s)?
2 Do you think/know if VIP status is a 'flag' for priority command execution in case of server failure?

commenticon 3 Comments
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2021-08-29 | 15:05:38
Did you run VRDashboard
during the start by any chance? Cvetan and I wrote it to (connect you to zezo, of course, and to) detect strange behaviour of the VR server. Some of your observations sound like data mismatches between server and UI.

Anyway, I'm not racing in the Figaro but I'm devoting more of my time to a new aspiring virtual sailing platform
It's been mentioned here before. It stil has its issues, but it's constantly improving. It has a fun, multilingual community and the developers actually care about and listen to their users. If you're fed up with VR suprises, you may want to give it a try.

Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2021-08-29 | 16:51:04
I had my start and the whole period to the first weather update programmed, which coincided with when I expected to come off the golf course. Finding myself aground, my only explanation would be bug #1. I literally was a mile west of where I should have been.

I'm doing less and less VR these days and focused mainly on Realsail. I"m with Hardtack on this one. What little issues remain with Realsail are so minor that only Hardtack, forensically analyzing the debugger stream is able to find them ;)

VR is way buggyer, and they've had 10 years to get it right and they still haven't.
Post by iconPost by RaiderOfTheStorm | 2021-09-02 | 13:50:04
What is new this time is the evidence of priority levels in executing the client commands.
I’m in a team that had 19 boats in that race, we all had autosail ON at the start but for most of us, in the first 15 minutes, our commands were not executed.
The result was I started 26k (I manage to finish 172) receiving an handicap of 1,15 NM in the first hour.
Who has bought VIP and/or FO did not suffer any inconvenient.

I agree with you, it is really time to consider leaving VR and move to Realsail.
VR is getting unbearable, not only for the poor GUI and buggy coding, but also for their shameful customer care (nothing against Jessica:-)
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