Post by iconPost by Ricard34 | 2020-11-14 | 17:18:54


I used Qtvlm to compare different Zezo routes. It's very useful to choice nav strategy and to look the opponent's prevs...

But I have a trouble with the end of the route imported in Qtvlm because it seems the winds are not entirely load in Qtvlm.

Cvetan, could you tell me if there is a difference with the all.grib file (loaded in Qtvlm) and the data used by zezo to build the 16d trace ? Have they the same prevs endings ?


Paco (Ricard_34)

commenticon 7 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2020-11-14 | 18:04:08
Should be the same, but who knows. I don't use those gribs myself.

Some differences with qtvlm are inevitable:

- The interpolation algorithm is different
- There is 2 knots wind speed minimum in the game
Post by iconPost by fab | 2020-11-15 | 07:20:13

just a trick.

2 kt minimum can be constrained in QtVLM by specify Motor use ( 2 kt motor for polar speeds below 2 kt).

Post by iconPost by Ricard34 | 2020-11-15 | 08:43:11
Thanks for the answers.
I know the 2kt settings but after additional analysis, my problem could come from Qtvlm.
The winds after the 30/11/2020 are not taken into account when "frozing" the imported zezo trace.
I posted question on Qtvlm forum.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2020-11-15 | 09:13:20
GFS only goes 16 days in the future, so there is no much data after Nov 30th. Right now the last data file is

... Converting gfs.t00z.master.grbf384.10m.uv.grib2 to 20201201_000 ...
Post by iconPost by Ricard34 | 2020-11-15 | 09:26:33
Here my last example :
Zezo's trace ends on :
<rtept lat="-41.375" lon="12.75">
<rtept lat="-42" lon="13.875">
The Grib files loaded in Qtvlm (all.grib get from zezo) ends also on 20201201.
So it's a trouble in Qtvlm.
Post by iconPost by fab | 2020-11-15 | 09:12:29

same problem for me.
sadly, QtVLM Sources are no longer avalaible
Hard to figure the cause of this trouble.

Post by iconPost by Ricard34 | 2020-11-15 | 09:27:19
I posted a full example on the Qtvlm forum, I cross my finger :)
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