Just an idea for a new feature...

Dear Cvetan, mastermind behind the router zezo!
Obviously it is not possible to find the ideal route just before a race starts as weather forecasts are changing every time they are published. Little differences can start to play out and the butterfly effect is taking over...
But shouldn't it be possible to calculate the ideal route from the past weather data retrospectively, i.e. once the race is over/the first boat has arrived, thereby creating something like an optimal route?
I think it would be a really intriguing feature for zezo to have we humans are really could at interpretation of visual data--as has been mentioned here and there in the zezo-cosmos. And after a race we are always trying to figure out what the winner did right andwhy he/she ended up in first place...
Machines on the other hand (e.g. your router) are extremely good at calculating optimal routes without being able to understand/interprete why they are the best routes.
So why not pair these two paradigms in order to learn something that potentially is yet to be learned, find routes to sail that only appear sensible in retrospective?
I think that would be a really fascinating feature!
To take it a tiny step further, one could also think about calculating this optimal route at every time step of the game, i.e. calculate a virtual leader that would be exactly where he is if he had have been able to anticipate all the weather updates...
What do you think, Cvetan?

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